We help you find clarity in the problem that is keeping you from achieving your best.
Our Doctors of Physical Therapy will perform a Movement Evaluation to get to the bottom of it. If you are tired of just "dealing with it" or keep getting nagging injuries then start with a full body assessment.
Here is our 3 step process:
We will help you get to the root of your pain and reset your problem through movement.
Increase your function and capability so you can return to doing what you love.
Make your body resilient so you can achieve your goals over the long term without concern of your problem coming back.
For recreational & competitive runners and athletes who want to take their fitness to a new level we offer ways to help you run, train and move better. With the use of sports specific assessments and our 3D Gait Analysis software by Runeasi we will uncover your weakest link and find solutions to your unique situation.
To get you on the right path we will:
limitations in your mobility, strength and balance which may restrict your performance or place you at risk for injury.
your form and sport specific movements like lifting, jumping and running with 3D Gait & Video Analysis.
a personalized training program so you can increase your speed, strength and resilience while reducing your risk for injury.
If you have learned to just deal with pain and are considering giving up the thing you love because of nagging injuries then start with an evaluation. We follow a 3 step process:
1. Examine your movements from head to toe to identify the root causes of your pain and help you understand what is holding you back.
2. Restore the areas that are causing you dysfunction with various manual therapies such as Myofascial Release, Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) and Joint Mobilizations to improve your mobility and function.
3. Execute a plan to implement movement strategies which will support an active lifestyle for years to come.
Running is a skill. However most runners do not understand all the demands of running. To keep you running on the right path we will:
1. Identify how your movement patterns may be limiting your performance.
2. Examine your running form and make adjustments as needed.
3. Implement a personalized training program to improve mobility, strength and balance