Join us for a weekend to unplug and connect with Nature. Each day we will learn to be present with ourselves and others through meditation, energy healing and various movement classes.  This retreat is designed to challenge your body through mobility drills, immersive hikes, group based collaborative activities and  movement exploration with the land at Light on the Hill Retreat Center. We hope this retreat can serve as a practical understanding to create sustainable movement and meditation practices within your own lifestyle.

Location: Light on the Hill Retreat Center 209 Blake Hill Rd, Van Etten, NY 14889

When: Friday, August 26 - Sunday August 28, 2022

Who is this retreat for?

The Enlightened Movement Retreat is for all fitness capabilities. From the super athletic to slightly active. This retreat is welcoming to anyone who values their relationship with movement and is open to learning new practices and techniques which will ultimately improve their physical capabilities and establish a lifelong relationship with movement.

Retreat Cost

$450 until May 31 / $475 until August 24

Includes: Single Private Guest Room for 2 nights with 6 meals: Friday night dinner, Saturday breakfast/lunch/dinner and Sunday breakfast/lunch. All meals are vegetarian with vegan and gluten-free options available.

Refund Policy

Full refund available if a request is made prior to Thursday, June 30.
Following June 30 a refund of your cost (-) $290.00 will be issued.

Arrive Between
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Tour & Introductions 2:30 - 5:30pm
Dinner 6:00-7:00
Energy Healing & Fire Gathering 7:00 - 9:00pm

Sunrise Hike 6:30
Breakfast 8:00 - 9:00am
Activities 9:00 - 11:30am
Lunch 12:00 - 1:30pm
Activities 1:30 - 4:30 pm-
Dinner 6:00 - 7:00-
Energy Healing & Fire Gathering 7:00 - 9:00pm

Sunrise Hike 6:30
Breakfast 8:00- 9:00am
9:00 - 11:30am
Lunch 12:00 - 1:00pm
Closing 1:00 - 2:00pm



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Further Details

Upon registering you will receive a payment link and welcome email with details about the retreat and who to contact regarding questions or concerns. Approximately 2 weeks prior to the start of the retreat you will receive further instructions for arrival and the details of the schedule. If you have special dietary considerations or needs that we should know about please send an email to with the subject line “Dietary Considerations”

Dr. Ryan Peeters, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist, MovNat L2 Certified Trainer

Ryan has worked with adults in a variety of settings including rehabilitation hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, outpatient clinics and home care. From these experiences he has deeply appreciated the consequences our human body is faced with as we age, sustain injury, and develop disease. Above all he has a passion for helping active adults, athletes and weekend warriors optimize their physical health and well-being through education and reestablishing a positive relationship with movement in their life. Ryan is passionate about teaching others how to use natural movement in combination with time in nature to shift their perspective on what they are truly capable of. He is an avid outdoor enthusiast and understands that joy and fulfillment in our life can come simply from the freedom to move however you want.

A man climbing a tree

Nicole Blitzer

RN, MovNat L2 Certified Trainer

Nicole Blitzer has been an RN for over 25 years working across many specialties including women’s health as a midwife, and most recently in a physical medicine and rehabilitation practice. A lifelong athlete, Nicole became disillusioned with long hours behind a desk, its effect on her body, and with the medical field for its tendency to ignore a greater mind-body connection in its treatment protocols. Over the years, her activity level slowed, and her body became less comfortable. It was then that Nicole realized she needed to make a change.

Returning to her athletic roots, Nicole started researching new modalities and chose to study MovNat and GMB as systems of natural movement. MovNat was a total game changer and opened her eyes to a new world of movement and healing possibilities. She is now a Level 2 certified MovNat trainer and in apprenticeship with GMB.

Nicole realizes the importance of being able to move freely, comfortably, and as safely as possible through the world at every stage of life. It is this that she wants to share with as many people as she can, while also encouraging them to bring fun back into their movement and training.

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